Publications in 2024

The lifestyle of psoriasis patients and their motivation to change | Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology & Venereology -

Al-Gawahiri, M., Van den Reek, J. M. P. A., Van Acht, M. R., Evers, A. W. M., De Jong, E. M. G. J., Seyger, M. M. B. 

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Mindfulness Effects on Anxiety: Disentangling the Role of Decentering and Treatment Expectations. | PsyArXiv - DOI: 10.31234/

Bos, D.P.A., Keesman, M., Roggeveen, A., Vase, L., Evers, A., Peerdeman, K

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Modifiable risk factors and motivation for lifestyle change of CVD patients starting cardiac rehabilitation: The BENEFIT study | Heart & Lung -

Breeman, L. D., Pérez-Alonso, A., Kühling-Romero, D., Kraaijenhagen, R. A., Al-Dhahir, I., IJzerman, R. V. H., van Eersel, R., Wolstencroft, K., Bonten, T. N., Atsma, D. E.,  Chavannes, N. H., van Gemert-Pijnen, L., Kemps, H. M. C., Scholte op Reimer, W., Evers, A. W. M., Janssen, V. R., on behalf of the BENEFIT consortium

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Use Intention and User Expectations of Human-Supported and Self-Help eHealth Interventions: Internet-Based Randomized Controlled Trial. | JMIR Form Res. - doi: 10.2196/38803.

Cohen Rodrigues, T.R., Reijnders, T., Breeman, L.D., Janssen, V.R., Kraaijenhagen, R.A., Atsma D.E., Evers, A.W.M.

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Human cues in eHealth to promote lifestyle change: An experimental field study to examine adherence to self-help interventions | Internet Interventions -

Cohen Rodrigues, T.R., de Buisonjé, D.R., Reijnders, T., Santhanam, P., Kowatsch, T., Breeman, L.D., Janssen, V.R., Kraaijenhagen, R.A., Atsma, D.E., Evers, A.W.M.

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Public Health, Behavioural Medicine, and eHealth Technology. | In eHealth Research Theory and Development (2nd edition, pp. 85–99). -

Crutzen, R., Van der Vaart, R., Evers, A.W.M., & Bode, C.

Less stick more carrot? Increasing the uptake of deposit contract financial incentives for physical activity: A randomized controlled trial. | Psychology of Sport and Exercise -

De Buisonjé, D.R., Reijnders, T., Cohen-Rodrigues, T.R., Santhanam, P., Kowatsch, T., Breeman, L.D., Janssen, V.R., Kraaijenhagen, R.A., Kemps, H.M.C., Evers, A.W.M.

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Music therapy with adults in the subacute phase after stroke: a study protocol | Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications -

Dimitriadis, T, Mudarris, M.A., Veldhuijzen, D.S., Evers, A.W.M., Magee, W.L., Schaefer, R.S.

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Open-label placebo hypoalgesia: what works for whom under which circumstances. | Pain. 2023 Nov 14. - doi: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000003109.

Evers AWM. 

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Placeboprocedures in de operatiekamer: noodzakelijk of een onnodig risico voor de patiënt? [Placebo procedures in the operating room: necessary or an unnecessary risk for the patient?] | Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde -

Evers, A.W.M., Van Lennep, J.P.A., & Ten Broek, R.P.G.

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An eHealth intervention for patients with a low socioeconomic position during their waiting period preceding cardiac rehabilitation: a randomized feasibility study. | European Heart Journal - Digital Health -

Faber, J. S., Kraal, J. J., Ter Hoeve, N., Al-Dhahir, I., Breeman, L. D., Chavannes, N. H., Evers, A. W. M., Bussmann, H. B. J., Visch, V. T., & Van Den Berg-Emons, R. J. G. 

Nocebo hyperalgesia and other expectancy-related factors in daily fibromyalgia pain: Combining experimental and electronic diary methods. | Journal Of Psychosomatic Research -

Karacaoglu, M., Peerdeman, K.J., Karch, J.D., Van Middendorp, H., & Evers, A.W.M.

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Can Pharmacological Conditioning as an Add-On Treatment Optimize Standard Pharmacological Treatment in Patients with Recent-Onset Rheumatoid Arthritis? A Proof-of-Principle Randomized Clinical Trial | Pharmaceuticals -

Manaï, M., Van Middendorp, H., Van Der Pol, J.A., Allaart, C.F., Dusseldorp, E., Veldhuijzen, D.S., Huizinga, T.W.J., & Evers, A.W.M.

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Expectancies and avoidance: Towards an integrated model of chronic somatic symptoms | Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews -

Nadinda, P.G., van Laarhoven, A.I.M., van den Bergh, O., Vlaeyen, J.W.S., Peters, M.L., Evers, A.W.M.

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Evaluation of Quality of Life and Treatment Satisfaction in Newly Diagnosed Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma Patients. | Cancers -

Ottevanger, R., van Beugen, S., Kersten, J.M., Evers, A.W.M., Vermeer, M.H., Willemze, R., Quint, K.D.

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The role of self-reported and physiological stress in nocebo hyperalgesia | Biological Psychology -

Skvortsova, A., Meeuwis, S.H., Derksen, S., Kerkkänen, K., Sutter, E., Evers, A.W.M., & Veldhuijzen, D.S.

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Reply: Training in the Care of the Heart and Mind: Engaging Cardiology Fellows and Psychology Trainees | JACC: Advances -

Smolderen, K.G., Evers, A.W.M., Kovacs, A.H., Massa-Carroll, I., Mena-Hurtado, C.

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The Role of the Clinical Psychologist in the Care of Adults With Cardiovascular Disease | JACC: Advances -

Smolderen, K.G., Gillaspy, S., Evers, A.W.M., Kovacs, A.H., Massa-Carroll, I., Moons, P., & Mena-Hurtado, C.

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EADV Task Force Pruritus White Paper on chronic pruritus and chronic prurigo: Current challenges and future solutions | Journal of The European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology -

Ständer S., Pereira M.P., Zeidler C., Legat F.J., Misery L., Lönndahl L., Bewley, A. P.,  Brenaut, E., Bobko, S., Elberling, J., Evers, A.W.M., Garcovich, S., Gieler, U., Gonçalo, M., Kupfer, J., Lambert, J.,  Lvov,  A., Metz, M., Michenko, A., Papadavid, E., Reich, A., Savk, E., Schneider, G., Schut, C., Serra-Baldrich, E., Ständer, H.F., Szepietowski, J. C., Wallengren, J., Weisshaar, E., Augustin, M.

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Erasing stigmas through storytelling: why interactive storytelling environments could reduce health-related stigmas. | Design for Health -

Vegt, N., Visch, V., Spooren, W., van Rossum, E.F.C., Evers, A.W.M. & van Boeijen A. 

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Optimizing placebo and minimizing nocebo effects through communication: e-learning and virtual reality training development | BMC Medical Education -

Westendorp, J., Van Vliet, L. M., Meeuwis, S. H., Hartman, T. C. O., Sanders, A. R. J., Jutten, E., Dirven, M., Peerdeman, K. J., & Evers, A.W.M.

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Dermatological patients with itch report more stress, stigmatization experience, anxiety and depression compared to patients without itch: Results from a European multi-centre study | Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology & Venereology, 00, 1–13 - 10.1111/jdv.19913

Zeidler, C., Kupfer, J., Dalgard, F. J., Bewley, A., Evers, A. W. M., Gieler, U., Lien, L., Sampogna, F., Tomas Aragones, L., Vulink, N., Finlay, A. Y., Legat, F. J., Titeca, G., Jemec, G. B., Misery, L., Szabó, C., Grivcheva Panovska, V., Spillekom van Koulil, S., Balieva, F., Szepietowski, J. C., Reich, A., Ferreira, B. R., Lvov, A., Romanov, D., Marron, S. E., Gracia Cazaña, T., Elyas, A., Altunay, I. K., Thompson, A. R., van Beugen, S., Ständer, S. & Schut, C.

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