
Selection of grants as PI (in total more than 15 Million Euro since Phd as PI)

NWO Stevin Award

NWO Stevin Award for Scientific and Societal Impact. NWO Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research.

NWO-Vici grant

NWO-Vici grant for high potentials, Innovational Research Incentives scheme. The power of expectations: Unraveling the role of nocebo effects in the sensitization of somatic symptoms. NWO Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research.

Hartstichting - ZonMW

We all benefit: The ecosystem for healthy living. (projectleader)

Gravitation grant (NWO Zwaartekracht)

‘New Science of Mental Disorders’, is a 10 years program chaired by Maastricht University. Andrea Evers  is one of the 5 workpackage leaders of this gravitation program.

NWO Research Talent

Training the circadian rhythm: Conditioning of the cortisol awakening response. (grant applicant)

ERC Proof of Concept Grant

Empowering expectations for health and disease: Development of a pioneering training tool. (grant applicant)

ERC Consolidator Grant

Empowering expectations for health and disease: Training of the immune and endocrine system. (grant applicant)


Dutch Medical Science Organization. Role of patient-participation in the development and evaluation of E-health care developments. Round Patient Participation. (project leader)

NWO-Vidi grant

NWO-Vidi grant for high potentials, Innovational Research Incentives scheme. Unraveling the placebo effect: The power of expectancies for conditioning the immune and endocrine system. (grant applicant)

NWO Aspasia

ZonMw Doelmatigheid

Dutch Medical Science Organization. Tailored cognitive-behavioral E-health care in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. (project leader)

NWO-Veni grant

NWO-Veni grant for high potentials, Innovational Research Incentives scheme. Psychophysiological stress mechanisms in chronic inflammatory diseases. (grant applicant)