Projects about: Healthy Society, Placebo Effects

There is increasing evidence that psychological factors, such as stress or placebo effects, influence the quality of life, disease outcomes, and effects of medical treatments in both healthy populations and somatic conditions. Our overarching goal is to understand and make optimal use of psychoneurobiological mechanisms that underlie health and chronic conditions. To this end, we combine innovative insights from different disciplines (e.g., psychology, medicine, biology, genetics, communication) in testing psychoneurobiological mechanisms of symptom perception, stress responsiveness, and adjustment to or progression of chronic disease, as well as in developing and implementing disease-generic personalized psychological or psychobiological interventions for healthy and patient populations (e.g., through e-health). Examples of several important research projects are shown below. Click here for an overview of all projects within the Health and Medical Neuropsychology unit of Leiden University.

Optimizing medication tapering using advanced placebo techniques
Optimizing medication tapering using advanced placebo techniques

Placebo and nocebo effects are shaped by learning processes that influence treatment outcomes. By utilizing these effects, the tapering schedules of…

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TOPIC: The Placebo and Nocebo Effects of Communication
TOPIC: The Placebo and Nocebo Effects of Communication

Creating better insight into which communication can influence patient outcomes can help to improve care. Our ultimate ambition is to improve patients…

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TOPIC: Healthy lifestyle: Nudging and self-regulation
TOPIC: Healthy lifestyle: Nudging and self-regulation

We are all aware of the importance of a healthy lifestyle. However, at the same time we also experience many difficulties when we are trying to change…

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TOPIC: Placebo Effects
TOPIC: Placebo Effects

The effects of many treatments are determined, to a significant degree, by factors other than the medicine or treatment itself. For example, placebo e…

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A Virtual Reality training tool for optimizing expectancy effects in patient-provider interaction. We aim to create an innovative e-learning and virt…

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Pharmacological conditioning
Pharmacological conditioning

The major aim is to examine the potential of learning the body to produce a similar physiological (autonomic, neuroendocrine, or immune) and physical…

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Placebo Stories
Placebo Stories

To what extent do your thoughts and experiences affect your health? What is the impact of the placebo effect on medical treatments, for example for pa…

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Attentional processing of itch and pain
Attentional processing of itch and pain

This project is aimed at 1) elucidating the role of attention in itch and pain, including orientation, and attentional disengagement (i.e., directing…

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The role of expectancies and avoidance learning in the maintenance of somatic symptoms
The role of expectancies and avoidance learning in the maintenance of somatic symptoms

Somatic symptoms, such as pain, itch, and fatigue have been shown to have a bidirectional relationship with mental symptoms. Although acute somatic sy…

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We all BENEFIT: The Ecosystem for Healthy Living
We all BENEFIT: The Ecosystem for Healthy Living

The modification of risk factors and related health behaviors lies at the very core of adequate cardiovascular risk management, yet evidence shows tha…

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