7 Dec. 2021

First activities recognized with the NL AIC label with the aim of strengthening the AI landscape

To reinforce our vision on the development and application of Artificial Intelligence in the Netherlands, the Dutch AI Coalition has developed the NL AIC Label. An NL AIC Label is a formal recognition of (the quality of) an activity in line with the ambitions and strategic goals of the Dutch AI Coalition (NL AIC).


Why an NL AIC Label?
The NL AIC aims to strengthen the Dutch AI landscape. The goal for the Netherlands is to reap the economic and social benefits of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and to join the leaders internationally. To this end, many projects and programs will be carried out in the field of AI in the coming years. These initiatives can originate from the NL AIC, such as the AiNed Investment Program, but can just as well originate outside the NL AIC. The NL AIC label is an important quality label, but no rights for funding can be derived from it.

Coalition manager Kees van der Klauw: "It is of great importance to Dutch AI developments that all these initiatives fit into an integrated whole, strengthen each other and can learn from each other. With the deployment of the NL AIC Label, we want to be able to indicate whether these conditions have been met, independent of other substantive requirements imposed on projects."


Strengthening the AI landscape in the Netherlands
The NL AIC Label is intended for activities that strengthen the Netherlands through research, education and innovation in and with AI. An activity means a public-private partnership with a multi-year duration, designed as, for example, a program, project, a lab, or a community that strengthens the goals of the NL AIC. A tagged activity:

  • Strengthens and broadens the collective knowledge of AI in the Netherlands;
  • Creates a solution to common AI challenges;
  • Accelerates (responsible) AI innovations and implementations in a broad context;
  • Contributes to collaboration and connection across the value chain;
  • Contributes to engaging and collaborating with all relevant parties (quadruple helix).


First activities recognized with the NL AIC label
We are proud to announce that the following activities are the first of many expected to follow, to be recognized with the NL AIC Label. These are the first six ELSA Labs in formation that the NL AIC believes meet the above objectives and also meet the criteria established for research and development of the Ethical (E, Ethical), Legal (L, Legal), and Societal (S, Societal) Aspects of AI applications in an ELSA Lab. It is the ambition of these ELSA Labs to investigate together with inhabitants, companies, knowledge institutions and the government how AI can contribute to the formation of our society.

Emile Aarts, chairperson of the NL AIC's working group on Human-centered AI: "We warmly congratulate the first ELSA Labs with the recognition of their activities with the NL AIC Label and wish them much success in setting up their consortium and securing the necessary funding to actually start or expand these labs."


ELSA Lab Poverty and Debt. Aims to use data science and AI to contribute to the reduction or prevention of poverty and problematic debts among the inhabitants of the Netherlands. Data science and AI are used in an 'ELSA by design' way: the ethical, social and legal aspects are leading from idea to implementation.


ELSA Lab Healthy Society & AI. Aims to increase the resilience of (vulnerable) citizens in a sustainable, widely accepted way and to reduce the (socio-economic) health disparities. Given the enormous complexity of factors influencing healthy lifestyles, AI-based solutions are being worked on that promote healthy lifestyles, and optimize the detection, diagnosis and treatment of cardiometabolic diseases.


ELSA Lab Urban Digital Twins. Explores the challenge and designs solutions to shape AI in the urban environment with public values using a specific domain and application: the physical and social design of public space using a 'digital twin'. This not only statically represents the characteristics of a public space, but can also create and test dynamic scenarios.


ELSA Lab Public Policy Lab. Examines and designs more effective and fairly informed policy choices based on responsible data processing and AI systems. The goal is to build substantiated trust in government to accelerate transitions, such as the energy transition, social domain, and innovation system. It focuses on research lines that strengthen policy development and decision making in government.


ELSA Lab The AI, Media & Democracy Lab (AIMD). Will work on the concrete challenges facing the sector today and combine this with conducting groundbreaking research at the intersection of social sciences, law, humanities and computer science. This creates not only enormous opportunities for research, but also for the media sector and civil society to benefit from the enormous innovation potential of AI.


ELSA Lab Learning with AI. Seeks to increase knowledge about human learning with AI and how it contributes to better equipping the population to contribute to society. Challenges from citizens and end users will be brought forward, evaluated, solved and shared (inter)nationally. The lab also aims to facilitate implementation testing of ethical and privacy issues and business models for educational solutions and standardization issues.


Launch program for development and application reliable human-centered AI
One of the funding opportunities is to submit a proposal to the recent program 'Artificial Intelligence: Human-centered AI for an inclusive society - towards an ecosystem of trust' launched by NWO and the NL AIC as part of the National Science Agenda. The program promotes the development and application of trustworthy, human-centered AI. More than 11 million euros are available for consortia to carry out research in co-created environments. Funding is awarded according to the criteria and guidelines from NWO, the NL AIC has no role in this.


Interested in the ELSA concept and ELSA Labs?
If you are interested in the ELSA concept and its elaboration into an ELSA Lab, we cordially invite you to read the position paper 'ELSA Labs for Human Centric Innovation in AI', an innovation approach for human-centric AI. If you have questions about the ELSA concept, please contact Edwin Borst, coordinator of the Human Centric AI working group. If you have questions about one of the mentioned ELSA Labs, you can also contact Edwin Borst for this, he will bring you in contact with the relevant ELSA Lab.

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